Acorns Children’s Hospice
In the last year, Acorns has supported 1,945 individual family members, including children, brothers and sisters, parents, carers and grandparents. This is an increase of 388 on the previous year.
Ataxia UK
A major part of our work is to support and advise parents of children who have FA, whilst funding research into treatments and a cure. The support we receive from Childlife is essential in achieving this.
National Children’s Bureau
This year was incredibly busy as we witnessed increasing levels of need due to the cost-of-living crisis and issues in public funding which still disproportionately target acute services rather than early intervention and prevention.
National Deaf Children’s Society
Thanks to the generosity of Childlife supporters, we have been able to provide life-changing support and invaluable information to deaf children and their families across the UK over the last year.