Category: National Deaf Children's Society
Posted on 20.11.2019
With the stark reality that deaf people are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as hearing people, the National Deaf Children’s Society is launching a new campaign next year to expand deaf children’s aspirations and increase their career options.
The careers campaign is being created with the help of 19 deaf young people aged 13 to 18 who make up the charity’s Young People’s Advisory Board (YAB). Last year, the YAB interviewed staff members at their schools who provide careers support, as well as asking deaf young people across the country about their experiences of receiving careers advice.
Their findings showed that careers support is lacking in deaf awareness and deaf-specific information. There was also a lack of knowledge among deaf young people about the jobs they can do and a feeling that decisions regarding their future careers were taken out of their hands.
“Deaf young people told us their dreams and ideas are often not listened to by professionals. They also spoke about a lack of relatable deaf role models to aspire to and little practical advice to progress their ambitions,” the YAB reported.
The campaign, expected to last at least three years, aims to redress the balance and to ensure careers advice services, educational establishments and prospective employers are aware of how to support a deaf young person in their chosen career.
YAB member Amber sums up the feelings of the group: “We want to get deaf people on the same footing as their hearing peers. It’s vital in achieving equality because it starts in education. Deaf people can do anything, given the right support.”